Market notice 75/23 – Sensidse Aktiebolag´s share SENSI and subscription option SENSI TO 1 is moved to the Observation List
Following today’s press release from Spotlight, the company’s share SENSI and subscription option SENSI TO 1 has been moved to Spotlight’s Observation List. Information about the share:Shortname: SENSIISIN-code: SE0017232671Orderbook-ID: A2B9CFI: ESVUFRFISN: SENSIDOSE/SHOrganization number: 556550-3074LEI: 391200HM0WOIJQMXGT93Information about the subscription option:Shortname: SENSI TO 1ISIN-code: SE0017615636Orderbook-ID: A2RHCFI: RSSXXRFISN: SENSIDOSE/OPT RTS 20230615 Stockholm March 29, 2023 Spotlight Stock Market08-51168000 backoffice@