

  • Swedavia - Press office
    +46 10 109 01 00
  • Charlie Levin Forsberg

    Head of Strategic Media Communication and Media Relations

  • Ellen Laurin

    Deputy Head of Strategic Media Communication and Media Relations

  • Peter Wärring

    Press Officer

  • Quotes

    "Demand for international travel continued to increase, while domestic travel was weaker, especially during Easter, with the exception of Kiruna Airport, where both international and domestic travel increased during the month. Our airline customers continue to gradually strengthen our range of routes and destinations ahead of the summer season, which is positive for Sweden’s connectivity. Air travel enables people to meet and benefits the tourism industry in Sweden while meeting the market demand for international travel for work and leisure, to meet family and friends and to create new experiences."
    Charlotte Ljunggren, Director of Marketing and commercial development at Swedavia.
    In January, demand for air travel was stable, despite uncertainties such as the global situation, economic uncertainty and personal finances. International travel continued to increase during the month, which mainly benefited our major airports but also Luleå Airport. Domestic travel, on the other hand, continues to show a weaker trend. Although there are significant uncertainties, we expect increased traffic and a greater range of routes at our airports later this spring and during the summer. At the same time, there are signs that the economic situation will improve somewhat in the period ahead, which is also likely to increase demand for air travel.
    Jonas Abrahamsson, Swedavia's president and CEO
    We are very excited to be part of a larger partnership on the role of hydrogen in aviation together with Airbus, Avinor, SAS and Vattenfall. Swedavia, Avinor and SAS already have already established successful collaborations in fossil-free aviation, and it is therefore exciting that Airbus, with its extensive knowledge of hydrogen-powered aircraft through its ZeroE initiative, and Vattenfall, with its expertise in electricity and energy production, are joining us in a more in-depth collaboration. Hydrogen is expected to gradually become an increasing part of the aviation industry's fuel mix in the future and will therefore have an increasing effect on the infrastructure and planning of our airports. This partnership is a major and important step towards fossil-free aviation in the Nordic region and will further strengthen Swedavia's role as a front-runner in fossil-free aviation, while at the same time taking another important step in the transition within the aviation industry.
    Jonas Abrahamsson, Swedavia's president and CEO
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