Interim Report January – March 2019
First quarter 2019 · Revenues amounted to SEK 238.3 (267.0) million, a decrease by 11 % compared to the same period last year. · Operating profit amounted to SEK 62.7 (140.5) million, a decrease by 55 %. · Profit before tax amounted to SEK 63.2 (140.5) million, and profit after tax amounted to SEK 49.3 (108.8) million. · Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 156.3 (144.2) million, and cash flow from investing activities amounted to SEK -10.6 (-90.3) million. · By the end of the period cash and short-term placements amounted to SEK 378.7 (373.6) million. ·