Interim report Q3 2020
Third quarter 2020 ● Incoming orders stood at SEK 724 million (750) ● Net sales amounted to SEK 761 million (776) ● Operating profit rose 3 % to SEK 103 million (100) ● EBITA rose 3 % to SEK 107 million (104) ● Profit after tax rose 6 % to SEK 81 million (76) ● Earnings per share were SEK 3,51 (3,30) January - September 2020 ● Incoming orders stood at SEK 2 471 million (2 468) ● Net sales amounted to SEK 2 415 million (2 470) ● Operating profit rose 5 % to SEK 304 million (290) ● EBITA rose 5 % to SEK 315 million (300) ● Profit after tax rose 7 % to SEK