

  • Catena AB
    Box 5003, 250 05 Helsingborg, Sweden
    +46 42-449 22 00
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    The share issue we held in March gave us opportunities to be proactive in the current market, and in the first half of 2024 we have made acquisitions worth SEK 3.7 billion. The most recent addition of two newly built logistics facilities in Landskrona, adding a total of 180,000 m² to our property portfolio, clearly demonstrates Catena’s intended direction: we want to continue to grow with modern facilities in attractive logistics locations.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    As in everything else we do, we’re taking a long-term approach. With the acquisition of Bockasjö, we add the ability we now need to maintain a high pace in our project development and to continue to exceed expectations in what we deliver
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    There is a substantial need for modern and sustainable logistics properties in appropriate locations and Catena presents a strong and unique customer offering that is attractive to many players. Despite a troubled world in which the aftereffects of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine are having an impact on construction prices, among other things, we continue to experience strong demand.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    Building logistics facilities generally causes a significant impact. We operate in a complex logistics network that is critical for a well-functioning society, which is why it is so important that it is designed more sustainably in all regards, and in a manner that can be followed up. We want to assume responsibility and, with the new targets, we are involved in the development and will, over time, be able to exert a positive influence on both the environment and our stakeholders
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    It is an unmistakeable fact that the logistics sector is hot right now, and for us, as owners of logistics properties, this causes us to further emphasise how important we consider our long-term approach, our stability and our in-depth knowledge in the area of logistics.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    In our view, a logistics facility is not only there to handle goods and cargo, it is also a workplace in which people should thrive
    Fredrik Renå, Regional Manager Malmö at Catena.
    The MTN programme complements Catena’s existing borrowing and creates additional flexibility in our loan portfolio, while the green framework means we are also able to match Catena’s sustainability ambitions fully by offering green bonds as an investment alternative
    Peter Andersson, CFO Catena
    The rating from NCR reflects both our financial position and leading market position, while also establishing additional conditions for long-term financing on favourable terms and with increased attractiveness among investors.
    Sofie Bennsten, CFO at Catena
    Adhering to our business model and niche focus has proven to be a sucess factor, enabling us to develop our offering based on knowledge.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO, Catena
    The update of Catena’s financial targets clarifies our focus on financial stability and growth. The future for attractive and sustainable logistics properties is bright and we expect continued positive development together with our customers
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    Catena perceives considerable potential in Denmark, and, with this acquisition, we will establish an additional position in the Scandinavian logistics property market. This is an attractive property portfolio with stable tenants and efficient facilities in favourable locations that match Catena’s existing network of logistics properties well.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    On the whole, Catena’s strong balance sheet, stable cash flows and positive value growth provide a financial capacity enabling future growth.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    Morgongåva is a hub for e-commerce logistics with a clear environmental profile. As the area grows, the position will be further strengthened and those who operate in the area will be able to benefit even more from the synergies that always arise in this type of cluster, which is positive both financially and from the perspective of sustainability.
    Jörgen Eriksson, CEO Catena
    Our knowledge on logistics and e-commerce adds significant value for our tenants. The desire to resolve our customers’ needs and our long-term ownership of properties mean that we often become part of the overall logistics solution and a partner in terms of more than just the actual property
    Benny Thögersen, CEO Catena
    Catena is very pleased to be acquiring this fine facility in an excellent logistics location. Well-considered and efficient logic solutions are a prerequisite for the position held by NELLY in e commerce and fashion. We look forward to being an active speaking partner in the company’s continued development.
    Benny Thögersen, CEO of Catena
    Although the market has been cautious, our perception is, at the same time, that efficient and sustainable logistics facilities remain in demand. In the discussions we are pursuing, issues of logistics and functioning goods flows are more relevant than ever
    Benny Thögersen, CEO Catena
    The assessment is that Catena, with its focus on logistics properties, has a stable foundation
    Benny Thögersen, CEO Catena
    We maintain a positive view of our market and can assert that the cash flow trend, which has been Catena’s signature and which safeguards our continued capacity, remains favourable
    Catena's CEO, Benny Thögersen
    This new construction project for DHL Express’ continues our development of Logistics Position Sunnanå, which, uniquely situated for transport both inside and outside Sweden, forms a central hub for current and future flows of goods
    Jörgen Eriksson, Catena’s Regional Manager in Malmö
    Having opportunities to make acquisitions at the site, builds conditions for further strengthening Catena’s position in the Mälardalen valley, adding up to 400,000 square metres of logistics space, which will be needed to meet future needs and ensure efficient and sustainable flows of freight and goods into the capital
    Maths Carreman, Catena’s Regional Manager Stockholm
    This initiative strengthens E-city Engelholm as an excellent e-commerce location and we are pleased and proud to take this next step together with Boozt, a leading-edge company that shares our ambition to develop modern logistics facilities that are both efficient and sustainable
    Göran Jönsson, Regional Manager at Catena
    DHL Express’ choice of the Sunnanå Logistics Position, which is part of Greater Copenhagen, for its handling of air cargo confirms the excellent location of the site for transports both within Sweden and abroad
    Jörgen Eriksson, Regional Manager, Malmö
    Catena is growing through project development, both by establishing new strategic logistic positions and by refining and developing existing properties. With our 110 logistic facilities, we perceive continuous potential to adapt and refine the conditions of each property
    Benny Thögersen, CEO
    The Tostarp Logistics Position’s status as a logistics hub in southern Sweden will be reinforced with the establishment of the PostNord facility. We look forward to continued good collaboration, in which we are able to contribute to PostNord’s development through our insight in online trade and smart distribution solutions from our perspective as a landlord.
    Göran Jönsson, Catena’s Regional Manager for Helsingborg
    With E-City, we are placing Ängelholm on the map as a centre for e-commerce logistics. Our vision is a sustainable business cluster, opening up completely new opportunities and offering major synergy benefits for players in digital commerce
    Benny Thögersen, CEO Catena
    Profit from property management has risen by 25 percent and our project portfolio has never been larger. Catena has both the capacity and the expertise to continue strengthening our position through further investments.
    Benny Thögersen, CEO Catena AB
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