Nustay significantly increases its handled revenue by 470% in Q1 2019
Today, Nustay A/S (“Nustay”) announces its numbers for handled revenue for the first quarter of 2019. Compared to the first quarter of 2018, Nustay has significantly increased its handled revenue by approx. 470% to 25.1 MDKK.Nustay has increased its handled revenue with approx. 470% in Q1 2019 to 25.1 MDKK compared to Q1 2018, which was 4.4 MDKK. It is also an increase of approx. 170% compared to Q4 2018, where the handled revenue amounted to approx. 9.3 MDKK. Handled revenue for Nustay is defined as the total value of all hotel bookings done on the platform during a given time period.