Elos Medtech - Interim report 1 January - 30 September, 2017
Growt in several market segments in Q3• Net sales for the first nine months of the financial year increased and amounted to SEK 429.0 M (418.7), corresponding to growth of 2.5%.• Operating profit totalled SEK 36.1 M (39.7).• Profit after net financial items was SEK 20.7 M (32.1). Net financial items were negatively affected by exchange rate differences of SEK -8.4 M (1.1).• Profit after tax was SEK 15.1 M (23.5), corresponding to SEK 2.50 (3.88) per share.• Cash flow from operations was SEK 42.9 M (73.3), and after investments SEK 25.2 M (53.7). CEO, Jan Wahlström, comments