Correction to the Press Release Published 1 September 2020 at 12:15 PM: Fellow Finance platform facilitated 8.1 million euros of loans in August
FELLOW FINANCE PLC PRESS RELEASE 1.9.2020 AT 2:20 PMFellow Finance Plc corrects Press Release published on 1 September at 12:15 pm as follows: In August, Fellow Finance investors funded business and peer-to-peer loans worth of 8.4M€ The right loan volume is correct in the release below. Fellow Finance platform facilitated 8.4 million euros of loans in August In August, Fellow Finance investors funded business and peer-to-peer loans worth of 8.4M€. Cumulative loan volume grew over 648 million euros and the total number of investors grew to 16 516. Check the real-time peer-to-peer