Correction to Company Announcement No. 60 - 2023. Notification of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
Company Announcement No. 61 -2023 OrderYOYO A/SManagers’ transactions Copenhagen, July 19, 2023 Correction to Company Announcement No. 60 – 2023. Correction to 4.c) in table below: volume corrected from 11,252 to 11,232. No further corrections. OrderYOYO A/S has received notification pursuant to article 19 of regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 (the market abuse regulation) of the below transactions related to shares in OrderYOYO A/S made by TJOYY22 ApS, closely associated to CEO Jesper Johansen, who has acquired 30,000 shares in OrderYOYO A/S at an average price of DKK 5.