
Our collaboration with Coloreel marks a natural progression for Juki. Pairing Coloreel's thread dyeing with our sewing solutions sets a new industry standard and opens up new possibilities in stitch design and precise color matching for our customers in the Americas.
Masanori Awasaki, President and CEO of Juki America
We’re excited about this expansion from embroidery to sewing. This agreement is a strategic milestone for Coloreel as we apply our technology to the broader sewing market. Working with Juki America allows us to leverage their robust market presence and technical expertise.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO of Coloreel.
This is a major step forward in automated personalization. Not only for us, but for the embroidery industry. It shows what kind of technological advancement you can make when you collaborate with other players in our industry.This software will be a huge leap forward in the way we work with personalized embroidery, both in physical stores and for e-commerce and other online marketplaces.
Mattias Nordin, SVP Product Management & Sustainability
"We are excited to welcome Lucia Eklöf to our team. Her experience in sales management and her deep-rooted understanding of industry trends will help our customers grow. Lucia's expertise in thread, understanding of operations for brands and producers, and commitment to sustainable practices will contribute to building our global presence.”
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO Coloreel
Our partnership with Coloreel reflects our commitment to enhance the shopping experience through innovative solutions. By embracing this advanced technology, we can offer our customers a unique and engaging store visit.
Oliver Lange, Head of H&Mbeyond.
"We are proud to team up with H&M to bring forth a new era of personalized fashion. Together, we are redefining the boundaries of traditional embroidery, empowering customers to express their individuality.”
Mattias Nordin, SVP Product Management at Coloreel
We are thrilled about this partnership and eagerly anticipate collaborating to produce high-quality products utilizing our patented technology. This agreement serves as evidence that our offering can play a crucial role in making mass production in the fashion industry more sustainable, while also providing tremendous opportunities for design and creativity.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO Coloreel
A partnership with a company like HWASEUNG Enterprise, which produces over 20 million hats annually, can truly be a game-changer. With unlimited color and design possibilities, we offer a solution for quick turnaround, customization and small-batch production, providing significant value to our customers.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO of Coloreel.
By partnering with Coloreel, we are taking a significant step towards a more sustainable future while offering our clients unprecedented customization options. This collaboration reinforces our commitment to innovation and environmental leadership, shaping the future of the textile industry.
Darren Hamilton, Executive COO of Apparel & Accessories at HWASEUNG Enterprise
I am very happy to welcome Elin Wengström to Coloreel. She will be important in our work to build the Coloreel brand, and she will play a crucial role in our international expansion. With her combined experience and competence, I am convinced that she can lead our marketing successfully.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO Coloreel
I am thrilled to be able to build a brand around a world-unique and patented product, which can truly revolutionize an entire industry in a sustainable way. Building a strong brand is always a team effort, and I look forward to developing Coloreel together with my colleagues. We will focus on increasing awareness of our pioneering technology to create a solid foundation for global growth
Elin Wengström, VP Marketing Coloreel
This update expands Coloreel's technology capabilities and opens up new possibilities for embroidery producers. It lets you mix and match for unbeatable designs.
Mattias Nordin, VP Product Management at Coloreel.
We are proud to have obtained worldwide patent protection for our Coloreel technology. These patents allow us to expand our presence, enter new markets, and shape the future of the embroidery industry. We look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead as we continue to innovate Coloreel’s technology and products.
Michael Almroth, VP Research & Development at Coloreel
The Coloreel option provides a more efficient and convenient way for customers to create high-quality embroidered designs. We believe that this integrated solution will further enhance the creativity and productivity of our customers.
Mattias Nordin, SVP Product Management and Business Development of Coloreel
We are proud to work with Coloreel to introduce this integrated solution to our customers. We believe that it will help our customers create more innovative and high-quality designs. Claude Vlandis, SVP Business Development, Tajima Software Solutions.
Claude Vlandis, SVP Business Development, Tajima Software Solutions.
We are proud to be a long-standing partner of Coloreel in the UK and to have witnessed its development and adoption. We believe Coloreel's on-demand capabilities will allow it to become the standard solution for production in our industry.
Tony Dorsey, Managing Director of AJS Embroidery Services
Coloreel and its unlimited colour embroidery technology provide our customers with new opportunities to grow their business like never before. Our largest customer already has Coloreel units installed, and we have received enquiries from big-name brands eager to feature products embroidered with Coloreel technology on the high street.
Andrew Stocks, Director of Stocks
At Amaya, we strive to offer innovative solutions for our customers' production needs. Coloreel's instant thread colouring technology simplifies the embroidery process and makes it more adaptable to the on-demand model. By offering Coloreel, our customers can now offer high-quality embroideries with unlimited colour options to their end consumers
Julian Wright, Sales Director at Amaya
We are thrilled to be working with Amaya and Stocks, along with our strong partnership with AJS Embroidery Services. This will help us bring our innovative technology to more customers in the UK, and our partnerships with these three industry leaders will allow us to better serve the on demand and premium fashion markets.
Stephen McKenzie, Sales Director UK & Ireland at Coloreel
När vi lanserade vår teknik för digital direktfärgning av tråd var det för att effektivisera en brodyrbransch som präglats av långsamma processer, svårighet att återge design och en för stor förbrukning av resurser
Mattias Nordin, Hållbarhetschef på Coloreel
Vi har länge vetat att vår teknik innebär en väsentlig miljöfördel. Att få det verifierat av en oberoende part är naturligtvis viktigt för vårt fortsatta arbete. Men vi nöjer oss inte med det. Nu lägger vi bland annat fokus på att minska mängden energi och bläck som går åt vid produktion
Mattias Nordin, hållbarhetschef på Coloreel
When Coloreel launched its ground-breaking technology for digital thread dyeing, the aim was to streamline an embroidery industry characterized by slow processes, difficulty in creating complicated designs and an excessive use of resources
Mattias Nordin, Sustainability Manager at Coloreel
We have known for a long time that our technology gives a significant environmental advantage. Having it verified by an independent third party is of course important for our continued work. But for us, that’s not enough. We are currently focusing on further reducing the amount of energy and ink used in production
Mattias Nordin, Sustainability Manager at Coloreel
The opportunity to explore Coloreel's innovative technology with our customers in-store is an amazing opportunity for us at Gina Tricot. We believe that technology like Coloreel will play a big part in our industry from a sustainability perspective going forward, and we are very proud to be a part of that journey
Emma Garrote, Global Production & Sustainability Manager at Gina Tricot
We’re excited about our partnership with Gina Tricot. This is one of the first opportunities Swedish consumers will have to experience Coloreel’s instant thread coloring technology live in a retail environment. There is an increasing consumer demand for personalized and customized clothing. With in-store on-demand embroidery, Coloreel can bring true value to Gina Tricot’s customers
Elin Wengström, VP Marketing & Communication at Coloreel
Printful’s new unlimited color embroidery technique offers customers new opportunities to experiment and turn their creative ideas into products. At Printful we put a heavy emphasis on innovation as we strive to provide the best solutions and services for our customers. I believe that this new feature will be an industry game changer and will empower store owners to sell intricately embroidered products or logos that perfectly match their branding
Elina Kruze, Head of New Product Development & Merchandising at Printful
Through the new and unique possibilities in design, and our integrated digital solution for efficient on-demand production of embroidery, Coloreel offers Printful customers additional business and value creation opportunities. This makes it possible for retailers to elevate their brands and grow their business like never before
Torbjorn Back, CEO of Coloreel
Printfuls nya obegränsade brodyrteknik ger kunderna nya möjligheter att experimentera och omvandla sina kreativa idéer till produkter. På Printful lägger vi stor vikt vid innovation då vi strävar efter att erbjuda de bästa lösningarna och tjänsterna för våra kunder. Jag tror att den här nya funktionen kommer att förändra branschen och ge återförsäljare möjlighet att sälja produkter med komplicerad brodyr eller logotyper som perfekt matchar deras varumärke
Elina Kruze, chef för ny produktutveckling och merchandising på Printful
Det är otroligt roligt att en så pass tung aktör inom klädproduktion väljer att satsa på Coloreels teknik. Genom vår integrerade digitala lösning för effektiv produktion av broderier on-demand erbjuder vi Printful-kunder ytterligare affärs- och värdeskapande möjligheter. Det gör det möjligt för både återförsäljare och varumärken att växa
Torbjörn Bäck, VD för Coloreel
Coloreel is an exciting company with fantastic potential to take market share with its pioneering embroidery technology. With a strong patent as a foundation, combined with a great team, I am convinced that we will be able to drive growth with a sound cash flow and positive result
Saman Khalilian
The company is now entering an exciting stage as it is on its way to international expansion. Saman's experience with growth companies and his ability to see the company in a broader context, both in the short and long term, will be valuable in Coloreel's continued exciting journey
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO of Coloreel
I am very happy to welcome Elin Wengström to Coloreel. She will be important in our work to build the Coloreel brand, and she will play a crucial role in our international expansion. With her combined experience and competence, I am convinced that she can lead our marketing successfully.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO Coloreel
I am thrilled to be able to build a brand around a world-unique and patented product, which can truly revolutionize an entire industry in a sustainable way. Building a strong brand is always a team effort, and I look forward to developing Coloreel together with my colleagues. We will focus on increasing awareness of our pioneering technology to create a solid foundation for global growth
Elin Wengström, VP Marketing Coloreel
We are excited to provide this financing for Coloreel because the company has the potential to make embroidery and clothing production far more sustainable than it is today and enable a major step towards circularity in the textile industry
Fredrik Larsson, Investment Adviser, Nefco
The Nefco financing will go a long way in supporting our international expansion. It is also a strong acknowledgement of the sustainability benefits we can offer the textile industry
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO, Coloreel
We are very excited that Snuggle UK has decided to expand their print fulfillment offering by investing in the Coloreel technology and our products for more sustainable and creative embroideries. It’s another proof that our offering is a perfect match for the most successful print fulfillment and print on-demand companies
Sven Öquist, VP Sales at Coloreel Group AB
As a digital printer we can see the changes in the industry and customers requiring innovative printing solutions to offer as large a colour gamut as possible. Coloreel brings embroidery to the modern age by removing the shackles of colour limitation and allowing suppliers to embroider garments in full colours, gradients and true to how customers would like to see their logos/artwork represented. It's exciting to be able to work with Coloreel and be one of the first to offer this innovative solution to an age old problem
Shabbir Maimoon, Director Snuggle UK
It is very inspiring to see how a colorful brand like maxjenny! absorbs the possibilities our technology provides fashion brands that like to enhance the creativity and sustainability of their embroideries.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO at Coloreel
I love how colours can leave an imprint and I am always looking for new ways to enhance and develop the Maxjenny! brand, so learning about Coloreel and the design possibilities the technology presents both creatively and from a sustainability aspect was very inspiring
We are very excited to finally be able to enter the Indian market. We have since long had great interest from decoration manufacturers on the Indian market but covid has been delaying our market entry. Our new partnership with Apsom provides us with great reach into the Indian embroidery and digital print market and we are looking forward to many more orders to come.
Sven Öquist, VP Sales at Coloreel Group AB
It was love at first sight for the people at Apsom when we spotted the Coloreel technology at an oversees exhibition and the entire team has since been completely focused on bringing the technology to the Indian market. In a traditional industry like textiles its very rare to see such a game-changing innovation. We are very excited to have the opportunity to distribute Coloreel in India being amongst the world’s biggest Apparel and Textile producing markets
Anirudh Dadu, Business Development Manager at Apsom
Our partnership with Hirsch provides Coloreel with the ultimate reach into the US embroidery market and this order of a six multi-head unit is another great step on our growth journey in US. The installation will enable our customer to meet the fast-rising demand for our more environmentally friendly and creative embroideries., I am looking forward to many more units sold through our partnership with Hirsch.
Sven Öquist, VP Sales at Coloreel Group AB
Bond Factory is a leader in textile decoration towards the European fashion and textile industry, and I am very happy they decide to invest in Coloreel. The installation enables Bond Factory to meet the fast-rising demand for our more environmentally friendly and creative embroideries. We also see this as a great start for our Italian distributor Technoprogress and we look forward to capture the large Italian market together with them.
Sven Öquist, VP Sales at Coloreel Group AB
We are really thrilled to have Coloreel as part our set-up of responsible innovative technologies in the Bond factory. It gives us the manufacturing capacity to provide a more responsible and creative service to our customers. We are proud to be pioneers on the Italian market, and it is a key step in our mission to provide cutting-edge sustainable and creative technologies and solutions to our customers. It’s a natural progress of Dyloan’s and Coloreel’s partnership and collaboration
Loreto di Rienzo, technology spokesperson and co-owner of Dyloan and Bond factory
I am so excited to announce that we and Hirsch now are taking this step to strengthen our partnership to meet the increasing demand for our products and technology on the US market. Hirsch is the world’s largest distributor of apparel decorating equipment with an outstanding reach and customer network.
Torbjörn Bäck, CEO at Coloreel Group AB
Coloreel brings levels of creativity, efficiency and sustainability that is not possible with traditional embroidery. Automating the process between automation solutions developed by Pulse Microsystems and Tajima embroidery machines creates unique opportunities for e-commerce companies to easily integrate Coloreel into their workflow to set themselves apart from their competition. All of us at Hirsch are very excited with our expanded relationship with Coloreel.
Ed Levy, Director of Software Technologies and Marketing at Hirsch
Our partnership with Hirsch provides Coloreel with the ultimate reach into the US embroidery market and with this order of six additional single-head units, Hirsch will be able to satisfy the quickly rising demand for our products. I am looking forward to many more units sold through our partnership with Hirsch.
Sven Öquist, VP Sales at Coloreel Group AB
These are fantastic results from the very successful Impressions Expo in Long Beach, US. We are looking forward to supplying more of our customers with Coloreel's unique technology for more sustainable and more creative embroideries.
Adam McGrath, Hirsch Solution
TechnoProgress opens additional doors for Coloreel in Italy and is a very good next step in Coloreel’s market expansion in this important market. This new partnership will facilitate new routes to market related to the digital 3D printing and DTG decoration industry and give customers possibility to incorporate something unique into their designs. We are confident this will give good results for Coloreel, TechnoProgress and their customers.
Mats Sjögren, Sales Director at Coloreel Group AB
We believe in the potential of Coloreel’s technology. It will allow our customers to offer something unique to the market, and help them to expand their personalization offering and to grow their business
Daniele Torrenti, CEO at TechnoProgress